Are you having a computer that takes a long time to be able to be used when turned on? Have you ever tried to turn on your machine and it took more than 10 minutes to load up and you’re in a hurry? Do you have a computer that, when it was new it loads up so fast you don’t have any problems with it, but after a year or so it becomes slower even if you have bought the latest, most updated anti-virus and anti-malware program there is in the internet? If your answer is yes, then you could probably have too much startup items that aren’t needed but is running whenever you turn your computer on. This article can, in one way or another, help you boost up computer’s load times by editing the startup items.
Startup items are installed programs in your operating system that are programmed to load once your computer is turned on. It is a big annoyance when you try to turn on your computer system and all these unwanted programs start to run even if you didn’t need them at the moment. These programs slow your computer down drastically. Although the purpose of these programs is to help you do your job faster by automatically running so you won’t have to look up for it just in case, it also slows down your computer if there are plenty of items that the computer needs to load every time the computer is turned on. And we all know that not all of the startup items are needed programs every time. How do you get to have more startup items? It is when you install new software into your hard drive. These installed software’s suggest an option to automatically run when the computer starts and we sometimes agree to the recommended suggestion. The computer then adds it to the list of items to load when it is restarted. Some programs that automatically run when a computer is turned on are antivirus programs, firewalls or drivers for added devices.
To be able to get rid of unwanted and less needed startup items, you can download programs from the internet that will allow you to search for those startup items and identify if they are necessary, optional or harmful to run. A good example of these softwares is the Autoruns by Sysinternals. Also, you may want to turn off the auto run option of programs installed in your computer, especially those that aren’t very much important by simply deleting the items in your computer’s Startup folder. Microsoft Windows comes with tools for controlling the items that load up once the computer starts. They are the System Configuration Utility also known as msconfig and the Services Console. You can then control the startup items from there. Removing startup programs from the registry can also do the trick but must be used with caution or if you are very knowledgeable when it comes to Registry editing. To know the difference of the computer’s load times once the unnecessary startup items are removed is to just restart the computer and see for yourself.