Yes it is possible now – calling someone from across the world using just the computer and an internet connection. There are plenty of programs now that supports pc to pc call making the world the impossible connection now possible and simple to do. The world is getting smaller and smaller with the power of being online. If you are one of those people who are away from their loved ones, now it is possible to connect to and see them by doing video calls over the web. This article is to help you set up your computer to make calls from your computer.
One of the most common programs that support pc to pc calls and video conferencing is Skype. Another one is Yahoo Messenger. Both programs need you to install their software to be able to make free calls from across the world as long as you have fast internet. All you need is a computer, even if you did not have a phone number to start with. First, you must go to their website and download and install their software to your computer. Also, you need to create and account, which is free and that the persons you would want to call and receive calls also have accounts on the program. Make sure to have a good headset or speaker, an optional web camera and pc microphone for the calls to go through.
There are also websites that offer free pc to pc calls without downloading. All you have to do is to sign up and register to their website, which is free, and then you can make calls and chat with people you know. An example for this type of website is To be able to make calls from pc to pc, you need to have the programs you download compatible with the computer that you have so that you would not have problems. Always update and use the latest version of the programs too as many call supporting applications would not work well to the same program if it’s not updated. Having a program like that on your computer, you don’t need cards and phone credits to call anyone you know. You can save lots of money or lessen the load because you can also make calls from pc to phone with a much affordable charge.
Using VoIP or Voice over Internet Protocol, as it is otherwise known, may also affect the computer performance while you are on a call. You see, when you are calling, the internet connection may get congested and then you will get poor voice signals or the videos get stuck or have pixels. So before you plan on using a pc to pc call features, make sure that your internet connection is fast and doesn’t have a high bandwidth. Also, the internet connection on the other side of the call may affect the call itself so you must understand that having issues with pc to pc calls are common. If you think you have the requirements to use a computer for calling, then have fun and enjoy connecting with the rest of the world.