Having problems with your computer? Not sure what kind of error your computer is having now? This article will help you determine if your computer is having a Windows Registry error. This article will tell you about the five signs that your computer gives if it is having problems with its registry and how to fix them.
Computer Starts Very Slowly
This happens to your computer because the computer is trying to review data in the registry that are partially removed or was left behind despite the fact that you just uninstalled the program related to it. Oftentimes, this issue is always partnered with the problem of the computer shutting down slowly. Even closing just one program takes longer time and may momentarily freeze while in the middle of something. If this happens to your computer, it oftentimes will have to do with the registry.
Registry Error Message popup
Once you receive pop ups from your computer regarding the registry, then it really means that your computer’s registry is having problems and needs your attention now. Oftentimes, these pop ups come out after the computer has been infected with a virus or malware that has recently modified some registry keys.
Some Applications or Programs will not Open
When your computer’s registry got some errors, some programs will be affected by it and would not open when clicked. Sometimes, when you force a program or application to open, the computer will slow or lag until eventually it will become unresponsive. This is due to some corrupted files in the registry that was not removed properly.
Hardware Component or Device conflicts
Occasionally, hardware device and their drivers, especially outdated or corrupted ones, interact improperly. This usually results in having erratic computer speed, blue screens or computer freezes. Although this may not be generally a registry error, you might want to check the registry because of damaged data or files due to outdated drivers inputting erroneous keys in the registry files.
Virus or Malware Infection
If your computer just recently had a virus or any other malware infection, it is very likely that the registry is, in one way or another, damaged or corrupted. Since many of today’s malwares make unwanted changes in the system registry, it is wise to ensure that the registry is fixed after virus or malware removal. The changes that malwares do to the registry can greatly damage the computer if it is not addressed as soon as possible.
To be able to fix these kinds of problems, always scan and fix the registry by using the Registry Cleaner utility that is embedded in the operating system or use third-party software intended to repair and maintain the registry. Uninstalling programs also leaves behind some data in the that are no longer needed in the registry so it is wise to clean the registry after every uninstall. You may also use uninstaller programs like REVO Uninstaller to uninstall any program in the computer as it also fixes and removes registry keys that are left behind after the uninstall.