If you have been wondering why your computer’s internet speed is slow, you must first know if the internet service provider that you got has a fast connection installed in your computer. If they did install the fast one, then you must check the computer’s system to see if it is up for the internet speed. The computer itself affects the internet speed in many different ways. Slow internet speed doesn’t have to be because of the internet service provider. Oftentimes, the internet’s speed is due to hidden factors that are in your computer that you need to know about.
Every component and device in the computer is controlled by a single and specific driver. The internet modem is one of them. If the modem’s device driver is not updated, the internet speed is slower than it is supposed to be because the computer and the driver cannot communicate properly. Since drivers are the controllers of the device attached to the computer, if the driver of the modem is not updated, the communication line between the device and the computer is barred at some point which may result into poor internet connection. Outdated modem driver affects the internet speed so a good update always is a must.
Also, if you have a Wi-Fi connection in your house, it is safer to put a security password to ensure that no one is leeching from your internet. Your neighbor or a passerby might catch your network and discover that it is an open and free network for anyone. You must also know that anyone within 25 to 50 feet radius can connect to your network and use your internet without your permission. This also means that if somebody is using your internet freely, the speed of your internet is being pulled down due to the number of people using the internet at the same time.
In a wireless network connection, the router should also be put in a high place where nothing can block its signal. Walls and appliances are some examples of the things that can block internet’s signal to the router. You may wonder why you have higher internet speed near the router compared to when you are connecting from the other room. Walls block internet signal. To have a better and faster internet, the router should be placed in a secure location where not much walls and appliances may block it.
Lastly, ensure that your computer is free of any virus or malware infection. Malware blocks and slows the internet speed big time. It not only slows the internet speed but the computer’s overall performance as well. Having a virus while going online will only make things worse as another virus may infect the computer as well. Virus and other malware are programs that are created with the intent of slowing the speed of the computer and damaging it. So scan your computer and free it from the nasty malicious software. And then ensure that they will not enter your computer anymore by scanning your computer often and not turning off the anti-virus and anti-malware scanners.